Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Building a Home in the Winter

Are you ready to start building your new home?  When choosing a time frame to build a new home, many people think they have to start in the spring or summer and try to avoid building in the winter.  That may have been correct in the past, but is wrong for today.  The winter has many attractive reasons for you to start building your new home.  Here are some of the top reasons why you should start building now and not wait until the spring to build your new home.
1) You Are Ready --  Building a home is a wonderful experience and it takes time to complete.  The sooner you get started the sooner you will be living in your new home.
2) You Have Time -- In Minnesota, there are only few months out of the year when we get to enjoy outdoor activities; such as, hanging out at the lake, going to the cabin, picnicking with family and friends, etc.   Building a home takes your commitment and time and building in the summer takes away from those activities.   It’s better building during the winter, when you are stuck inside.  Most of your time and commitment to building a home will be done in the warmth of your home or in the builder’s office.  
3) It's Less Busy --  Supply and demand rules the market.  As demand drops in winter so does the work for the builders and contractors.  Builders are able to be more attentive in the winter to their clients as there are fewer projects on going.  As a general rule of thumb, the more attention given to the project makes for fewer problems on the project.
4) Technology -- In the past, builders ran into complications when trying to build in the winter.  Today, there is very little difference between what month you build in because technology has made it easier and cheaper to build in the winter.
5) Winter Concrete --   One of the biggest problems of the past was laying the foundation in winter, but now there are special additives in the concrete that make it possible to lay foundation in any month.

These are a few of the pros of building a home in the winter.  There are many more reasons to do so and there can always be some negatives of building in the winter.  It’s always best to consult with your home builder.  The experts can help you make the best decision and help you accomplish your goal of building your new home.

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